
Exercises For Weight Loss

10 Feb 2017

2 Steps For Starting A Running Program For Overweight People

home exercise to lose weight

It’s the reason why running has a bad wrap in the fitness circles. Many fitness enthusiasts shy away from running regardless of its proven value for shedding the extra pounds and getting into a better shape. This is really sad.As a result, here are 2 guidelines for the beginner overweight runner that can help you start running the right way while steering clear of harm and setbacks.Build the BeliefAs a new comer to the sport, your mindset will determine much of your results. See, it all start with having the right attitude. Otherwise you’ll just find more excuses not to do what needs to be done, and thus lead to further setbacks and frustration. Instead, the right mindset will make sure you stay on the right path in spite of the difficulties and challenges that you’re definitely going to face as a beginner overweight runner.Beliefs are the building blocks of mindset. Hence, changing your beliefs (for the best) will lead you to develop a better mindset, thus to superior results. Use the connection between the mind the body to your advantage. The best tool for changing beliefs is by means of visualization technique. This is a mental diet for superior performance.As a result, make sure to do the following on a daily basis. Don’t worry. It won’t take much of your time. - Sit in a comfortable place where you won’t be bothered or interrupted for the next five minutes. - See yourself in your mind’s eye as slim and sexy, with your ideal bodyweight. Imagine yourself AS IF you’ve ALREADY running on a regular basis with ease and finesse. - Repeat this seated meditation two or three time a day.This simple mental technique will not only help you start running and lose the extra pounds, it’ll also enhance your overall well-being and happiness levels.Walk-Run-WalkThough proper mental training is critical for success, No amount of mental rehearsal can make out of you a true runner. Real change happens only when you practice the new skill on the field. Nonetheless, this is no excuse to rush and overdo the training. In fact many overweight beginners try to run too much too soon only to experience discomfort, injuries and eventually a painful burnout. That’s the recipe for overtraining and more setbacks.Instead, if you haven’t done much exercise lately, then you need to start slowly and build the intensity up incrementally. In fact, you may need to first walk before you run. The preeminent training tool for beginners is the walk-run-walk method. This simple workout guideline consists of alternating between low intensity running (for building endurance and burning calories) and walking breaks (for recovery and rest). The length of each interval depends on your endurance level and fitness goals. As a starting point, you may begin with 30-45 seconds of interval running interspersed with walking for one full minute. Experience with different intervals and find what works the best for you, then build on that. The rule of thumb is that as you get fitter, you gradually work on increasing the time spent on running while taking less and less for recovery. Eventually you’ll be able to run 5K or 10K without much huffing and puffing.ConclusionThe key to success with any training program is the speed of implementation. Though having the right information is critical, putting into practice the new learned skill is the way to making your vision into a concrete reality. Therefore, make sure to take action and always stay within your fitness level.

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