
Exercises For Weight Loss

4 Feb 2017

20 Simple Tips To Lose Belly Fat Besides Training And Diet

weight loss workout plan female
Have you ever felt that you do everything to lose belly fat, but the results come too slowly, You do tiring abs workout and follow a healthy diet, but you can see only small changes on your stomach. Sometimes you feel you are close to giving up the training and your diet.

You are not alone! I felt the same. I did my best to have a flat belly, but results came slowly.

The reason usually this happens is that we do not give up at least a few of our worst habits. For example, one of my biggest mistakes was that I ate before I went to sleep. It was my habit for long years, and I did not realize how harmful it was.

To burn belly fat faster and reach those six pack abs, we need to get rid of those bad habits. And take up ones that support our diet and workout routine. These are typically simple steps, but they can help to lose belly fat faster.

I did some research on the web and collected some tips for flat abs. They are not related to abdominal exercises or diet plans, but simple ways to lose stomach fat by changing your lifestyle.

I use these fat burning tips on each day. Now I know, with proper diet, workout and these little tricks I can reach my goal.

Here are 20 easy belly fat burning tips for man and women, that you can start today.

Simple Tricks to Burn Abdominal Fat

1. Eat Only If you are Really Hungry

In the modern world we are eating even if we are not hungry. It is a just a bad habit. We eat if we are happy or sad. All the time. It is one of the first habits you have to get rid of.

What have I done to avoid this bad habit, I just rarely buy those tempting things such as chips, chocolate, etc. It is hard not to eat junk if you open the kitchen cupboard or the fridge and they are stuffed with trash.

And when I crave, I have a glass of water or some fresh vegetables or fruits instead.

2. Sleep Enough

If you do not sleep enough, your metabolism slows down. On top of that, if you are tired your body needs compensation. And how we compensate ourselves, We start eating or drinking something sweet or munch on a packet of chips.

We also must not forget that if you are tired you will not be able to do your training session effectively, or even worse you are more willing to neglect it.

So, have at least 8 hours undisturbed sleep each day.

3. Have Breakfast Wisely

Breakfast is the time when you can eat without control. The problem is that most people eat foods that are full of sugar. They eat too many low-quality carbs.

Instead of that have breakfasts that are full of protein, healthy fats, and carbs. Eat ham, eggs, bacon with veggies. Drink milk and home made juices.

These foods contain all the nutrients you need and give energy for the whole morning. Furthermore, because of the protein your metabolism will be faster, and that leads to weight loss.

Watch the video below for healthy breakfast ideas

4. Your Dinner Should be 3 Hours Before Going to Bed

This was my biggest mistake. When we sleep, the metabolic rate is slower. If you eat just before going to bed, your body accumulates the additional nutrients and transforms it to body fat. If you go to sleep at 10, have dinner before 7.

5. Avoid Drinking too Much Alcohol

Most of the alcoholic beverages contain a lot of calories. If you like drinking beer or sweet cocktails, you should minimize that.

However, drinking a little bit of dry red wine can help with burning tummy fat, it has many benefits for the digestive and vascular system. It contains resveratrol that lowers the fat cell development around the waist and makes the metabolism faster. Drink a small glass of wine 3-4 times a week.

6. Get a Partner to Do Workouts and Diet Together

Doing exercises together is more fun. You can help each other to get the most from the training sessions. You can motivate each other by talking about your progress and sharing your experiences. You can also do a competition together on who lose weight faster or who can reach a training goal. It is easier to follow a healthy lifestyle together.

7. Eat Slowly

It has been proved that those who eat faster take in more foods than the ones who do not. Take time to chew your meals totally. It has positive effects on your digestive system, and the nutrients can assimilate better.

Cold water helps to increase the metabolic rate of your body. This way it burns more calories. Personally, I think there is nothing better than drinking mineral water. Get rid of those sweet, artificial beverages. Green tea is another alternative as it contains components that support fat burning.

An easy way to boost your metabolism is to have a big glass of lemon water in the morning.

9. Eat More than 3 Times a Day

It is a misconception that we should eat 3 times a day. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat 5-6 times a day. Of course, the portions must be smaller and should contain the beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Eating 4-5 times a day helps to keep the level of your metabolism high. This habit also regulates your sugar level, and you will have enough energy for the entire day.

Watch the video below for some tips.

10. Stuff Your Sandwiches Full Of Vegetables

In case you make a sandwich, hamburger or anything like that, you should stuff them with greens such as tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, etc.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are critical parts of a healthy diet. Tomatoes are especially beneficial since they contain certain substances, which control hunger. Use only a little mayonnaise, ketchup, etc., they are full of calories and have lean meat.

Recommended: Top 35 Natural Metabolism Boosters

11. Set Achievable Goals

Having short, medium and long-term goals is vital. But you should always set ones that you can achieve. If you set goals that are too hard, and you fail, the motivation goes away quickly.

As it is said, “Dream big, but start small!”

Recommended: 5 Ways to Make Your Dieting Easier

12. Be Positive

Instead of talking about that you have just lost only a little weight, or you cannot do one more repetition, be proud of what you have already reached.

Weight loss and strength training are not comfortable for most of the people. Always be positive! Speak about what you have already achieved. That is the only way you can keep yourself motivated.

Don’t forget “Roman wasn’t built in a day.”

13. Control Your Food Intake with Smaller Portions

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less. An effortless way to regulate your food intake is to use smaller plates. Get rid of those huge bowls!

14. Eat Organic Food

Try to eat fresh vegetables and fruits that are grown in bio farms. In many cases, those products are not so beautiful, but natural.

Have you ever thought about why those veggies and fruits are so beautiful which you usually see in the large stores, Unfortunately, most of the farms use a lot of chemicals to grow big and beautiful products.

If you can afford, go to bio shops and buy organic products there. I always purchase fruits from the local market from sellers whom I trust.

Watch the video for details.

15. Pay Attention to Snacks

Most of the snacks we eat while we watch TV are full of artificial components and calories. These are typical junk foods.

I know, it is so fabulous to sit and chew something, but they are one of the main reasons for obesity. Get rid of snacking processed junk and eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, yogurt, etc. It may be hard at first, but you will get used to it.

Junk food drags you down. - Miranda LambertClick To Tweet

16. Forget your TV, PC and Mobile

Many people spend too much time in front of the TV, computer and with their mobile. The big problem is that these activities are usually useless. We do things on these devices without any good reasons.

Forget them! Go out. Walk with your spouse and children. Be with them! Try to find outdoor activities that you like. These are easy cardio workouts and help to reduce stress.

If you can forget those devices, you will lose weight and be more trained. Plus, it has benefits for your relationships.

17. Get rid of MSG Foods

Unfortunately, most of the things we eat contains MSG (monosodium glutamate). All the highly processed foods contain this substance. It harms not only your body but also helps abdominal fat generation. Try to avoid processed foods as much as you can, and eat raw things.

18. Never Forget the Reasons Why You Want to Lose Weight

There are many reasons why we want to lose weight. Mainly, because we want to be healthier, or we want to be slim.

To keep going on, list the reasons why you want to burn fat. Put that list in a place where you can see every day. You can also choose somebody to be your hero whom you would like to follow and put his picture next to your list. These little tricks help you to be motivated.

19. Eat in Restaurants Fewer Times

It is a fact that most of the restaurants, and not just the fast food ones, use too much oil and materials that are full of calories and other substances that are bad for you. Eat less in restaurants or choose the one wisely.

If you have enough time, learn how to cook. If you make your meals on your own, you will know what it contains. You can control what sorts of ingredients you will use more and less.

To go one step further, you can make your drinks and juices. Most of the juices we buy contain unwanted chemicals and a lot of sugar. If you prepare your drinks, you can use bio fruits and vegetables without adding any sugar. It may not be as delicious, but certainly healthier.

20. Eat Fiber-rich Meals

There is no doubt that your meals should contain fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of dietary fibers that suppress your appetite. Besides, they contain lots of minerals and vitamins.

Recommended: 7 Facts You Need to Know About Fiber

Besides the healthy diet and exercises, these lifestyle changes can help you lot to reduce belly fat. Pick up a few good habits and get rid of the bad ones, and you will see that the fat will disappear faster than you think.

If you know other advice, which help lose belly fat, please share with us below.


Does running helps to lose stomach fat,

Running is definitely one of the best cardio for burning body fat. If you combine it with diet, some abdominal exercises, it will surely helps.

Is it possible to lose fat around my stomach in a week,

No! There articles here and there all over the internet, but do not believe you can get rid of that stubborn belly fat so fast. At least, not on a healthy way and the result will not be long. Bell fat is the hardest to get rid of and continuous training and diet is needed.

Will doing 100 sit ups a day reduce the fat on my tummy,

Well, performed sit ups surely helps, but you will not have lean stomach just because you this sort of exercises. Other ab workouts are necessary and you should concentrate on what you eat.

Did you find these tips to lose belly fat, Share with your friends.

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