
Exercises For Weight Loss

10 Feb 2017

Homeopathy Medicine And Weight Loss With Homeopathic Remedies

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I am delighted, honored and encouraged by the fact this Hub received the winning drawing for March 14, 2010 Health Hubs under the category of Weight Loss Tips nor do you like people staring at you! This remedy helps with tendency to belching, gas and diarrhea, and shows up poor digestion with a coated tongue. Like sulphur, this type has acne and pimples. They crave more of the sour and vinegary foods.

Argentum nitricum | For those addicted to sweets and chocolate. A key thing to look for is fear of heights and performance anxiety, even going into crowded rooms or narrow spaces. Very anxious types who breakdown easily from any kind of stress. This one is specific for performers of all kinds, especially singers. If you see someone reaching for that chocolate bar whenever they need comforting from too much anxiety and stress think about arg nit.

Calcarea carbonica | These folks have very very slow metabolisms, to the point of not needing to go to the bathroom that often. They have trouble controlling their appetite, maybe because they are not getting the I'm Full signal. They especially love eggs and hot foods. A worry wort with flabby, soft muscles and tendency to sweat, especially on the head at night could use calc carb. Some physical symptoms that could lead you to this remedy are the sticky glue and runny nose. When they are on a diet, they can feel lightheaded and dizzy. These pudgy kids usually have fair skin and blonde hair, and may even like to eat chalk.

Coffea cruda | As the name of the remedy suggests, these types are excitable, restless and nervous as when you drink too much coffee. Eating helps your calm down, especially when you can't sleep from too much excitement. In terms of heat, when everyone around you thinks it's a good temperature they may find themselves warm, but going outside is even worse - which is the opposite of those needing pulsatilla.

Capsicum | These overweight types are often home-sick and act lazy. Their appearance has a red face with burnings in the stomach. Yes, this is the hot pepper plant, so these folks may feel quite hot, irritable with indigestion and even depressive thoughts because they are home-sick. Inflammation is often present, including ear troubles like tinnitus and vertigo, burning hemorrhoids. You know the type who drinks and smokes, has bad odors and the typical burning like herpes outbreaks.

Ferrum phos | This is often take as a cell salt to boost the immune system from fevers. For overweight people who are oversensitive, cranky while dieting and flush easily this may be a good selection. If you are trying to lose weight in connection with hormonal changes, such as menopause, this is a good remedy to try first.

Graphites | This remedy that originates from carbon is thought of most often for weepy, oozing sticky skin wounds and abrasions. But, it is also great for perimenopausal woman who can't seem to lose weight. In appearance, either men or women have pale skin and are very sensitive to cold, with cold feet. Regarding digestion they have constipation and love to snack in-between meals.

Ignatia | Known as the number one remedy for grief and loss, the person may appear a bit hysterical, out of control, anxious and fearful at times. With this loss, it helps to eat and even the act of swallowing the food feels good. You know how easy it is to put on weight when you are in a funk, grieving, and not able to get out and exercise. If you notice a lot of sighing this could be a clue (along with calc phos).

Kali carbonicum | Best known for women who endure back labor, this remedy also helps with moving sinus discharge out of the system, and like graphites they can also have cold feet. This is for that person who easily puts on weight and it's so hard to take off.

Lycopodium | Another type that adores sweets [like sulphur and arg nit types]. People who have fears and anxieties about doing a good job, performing in public, and want to be in control at home, while subservient at work may get help from this remedy. They may have most of the weight on the lower body and often have grey hair early in life.

Natrum sulphur | Another remedy with a sulphur component is known for people who deal with depression, and what obese person is not suffering from this problem, They may have had a head concussion from a sports injury or accident. They tend to be very responsible individuals, with a strong sense of duty. Music can make them emotional, sad and more depressed. Physically, they have thick yellow discharges.They do not like fish foods or damp weather or homes.

Nux vomica | This remedy type loves drinking alcoholic beverages as a connoisseur, but also gets hangovers because like antimonium crudum they over-indulge in foods and drinks. And, like Natrum sulph, it is a liver booster. Temperamentally, they are passionate people that can go overboard with jealousy and abusive behavior and language to their loved ones, which is a bit like the lycopodium character. Whenever the liver is affected, we will see angry emotions. In addition to overweight, the person may have violent sneezing attacks with hayfever. They want to be able to do so much, but just can't, which includes ability to pass stool easily, which leads to constipation. These types can have lots of cramps and spasms, too.

Staphysagria | Do you know the type that eats their own words, They just stuff down their anger and put up with a lot. These very sweet natured people can just keep the weight on as a representation of their hurt, pain and anger that is totally repressed within their bodies. Its possible these people have endured abuse as some time in their life.

Sulphur | For those people who not only have excess weight, but also itchy, dirty skin and crave those sweets. This main polycrest (covers many symptoms) can talk up a storm. They just go on and on about any subject, but especially themselves. Also great for burnings in any mucus lining in eyes, nose, ears, throat, esophagus and obviously heartburn. Redness can be seen even on the skin and ears. You guessed it, these folks also like to drink alcohol, which can easily put on the beer belly.

Sulphuricum Acidum | You know that person who has had too much to eat, but keeps on eating, These folks rush through everything, including the meal. The homeopathic acids are also good for depression; and sulphuric acid for deep pain and physical injury, like after a surgery. Like sulphur they do love sweets.

Constitutionally, there are remedies that help with basic constitutional types that often have a tendency to be overweight. An experienced homeopath can help you discover the matching remedy in a holistic manner by understanding your emotional, mental and physical make-up.

Homeopathic remedies are gentle, safe and effective with no side effects. It is like surgery without the hospital bills and targets the whole individual, not just the stomach. You do not have to worry about over-dosing on drugs, getting addicted to these medications as in the many medical traumas associated with diet aids and supplements.

BOOKS | A New Way Of Eating
Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer nor is a doctor-patient or an attorney-client relationship created by the submission or exchange of questions or information via email or otherwise with Debby Bruck

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Debby Bruck has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information on this blog site, but absolute accuracy is not guaranteed.

Always check with your health care provider
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sendingAuthorDebby Bruck 5 years ago

Dear Babita - If you have read through the notes above and all of the comments to previous questions, you would realize a number on a scale will not provide the required information to make a homeopathic remedy selection. I understand you would like assistance. The first steps of desire to change and awareness that you need help to proceed takes you to the second step - find a professional who can guide you on the path. Blessings, Debby

babita 5 years ago

i am 28 year old woman my weight is 75 kg so please help me for loss weight medicine and tips

Dear Babli ~ You have accomplished Step One to lose weight, acknowledging the need and having the desire. Now, what will motivate you to stay on track consistently with a nutritional diet plan. Remove all the sugary, sweet foods and the WHITE carbohydrates, like plain bread and potatoes. Now, add whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The word it out, everyone gets healthy on a down to basic diet plan, regular exercise like walking 30 minutes a day, a bit of sunlight and quality sleep. In terms of homeopathic care, you will need a full consultation to determine the best remedy match. Blessings, Debby

babli_saini1978@yahoo.com 5 years ago

i am 44 years lady .mi weight is 81 iwant loss mi weight 30 kg plz help mi

Thanks for your visit Muhammad.

muhammad adeel 5 years ago

good work

AuthorDebby Bruck 5 years ago

Dear MYWM ~ Wishing you good luck in your search to tools to help you lose weight. With a chronic condition and emotional eating, it's best to contact a professional homeopath. Sincerely, Debby

Mypasswordmanager 5 years ago

Previously I am not quite sure to go in which path for a easy and effective weight loss but really this Hub can definitely clear about the lacks of Homeopathy used in our weight loss program. Thanks for providing such a hub I really appreciate your sharing and must assure that these remedies should bring a lot more.

Hello Jessica. Homeopathy addresses the energetic aspects to help motivate an individual to do the work of losing weight in most instances. Reducing intake of sweets, carbs and fats, regular exercise are necessities. Homeopathy can help 'reset' the metabolism, which may help the cells function properly. Take care, Debby

Jessica 7 years ago

Homeopathy Takes long run to reduce weight.

But it is very effective and constant.

Using with homeopathy we can reduce fat without any side effects.

Thanks to DEBBY BRUCK to this informative page.


Your very welcome.

Dear ESG ~ Thanks for reading.

ESG Consulting 7 years ago from Canary Wharf, London, Bromley and Kent

A really interesting piece and one I will certainly refer to with my weight loss clients. Thanks!

Dear Chhabra. Unlike drug medications, homeopathic remedies are not given based upon an individual's weight. If your needed remedy is lycopodium, which was selected properly based upon personality, disposition, clinical symptoms, responsiveness to environmental influences and relationships, then your homeopathic physician would determine the 'potency' appropriate for you. Typically, a person who has mostly physical symptoms would be taking what is considered a low potency, such as 6X, 6C, 30C, while a person with more emotional needs a bit higher potency usually 200C. The homeopath will instruct you how often to take this remedy and in what form.

Chhabra 7 years ago

Dear Bruck, I want to know that what will be dosage of lycopdium medicine for me. my age is 32 and weight is 74 kg.

Dear Mel. Glad I could be of help with your research. Just remember that the presentation shows just a few potential remedies out of thousands that may be uniquely suited to an individual.

Dear Angus. Very good points. If there is a metabolic and metabolism dysfunction, or if someone is taking steroids or a number of medical reasons, a person will have a difficult time losing weight. In the same way, people can have a hard time putting on weight and keeping it on.

Food cravings are a symptom and helpful indication for homeopaths to select a proper matching remedy. It is 'part of the whole' syndrome which individuals express their entire being, needs, desires and fulfillment.

Dear Nancy. It has been so kind of you to visit, read and post comments this week. Your tips about reducing spicy, salty, and sweet foods enable us to reset our tastebuds and realize how wonderful natural flavors can be, and give the kidneys a rest from processing all those extras.

I, personally, do not adhere to the drink 6-10 ounce glasses of water per day. I believe that each of us individually have certain fluid needs and if we listen to our body we can detect how much or little that is for each person. In fact, you can over-tax your kidneys by too much water if that is not how your body processes fluids.

Adjusting to sunset and sunrise sounds like a rule I put on my New Year's resolutions every year. With technology and the invention of electricity and lightbulbs, that has gone out the window.

Obviously, junk food is a no-no. They all include #1 on your list.



Dr Nancy Malik 7 years ago from Gurgaon, India

Wonderful article. Debby.

Some useful tips for weight loss

1. Stop eating spicy foods. Reduce your salt as well as sugar intake.

2. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily

3. Enjoy aerobic exercise-walking, brisk walk, jogging, cycling or swimming in the morning before sunrise. For this you have to sleep early.

4. Stop eating junk food such as cold drinks, burgers, sandwich, etc

Dear Joy - First, congratulations on the little one! One of the first things a homeopath does is look at lifestyle, habits and any "obstacle to cure." You are absolutely correct that cravings and eating all the wrong foods, smoking, drinking, etc. will not help you to lose weight.

Since the article was specifically about homeopathic remedies, I highlighted them. Thank you for mentioning the success you experienced by slowly weaning yourself off of highly processed, salted and sweetened foods by switching over to more nutritional raw foods. Best wishes in the future. Debby

Joy Houston 7 years ago


I used somewhat gourmet raw foods to mock all three food groups I used to crave. I knew it wasn't a long term answer, because really, I was just moving from processed salts, sweets and fats to natural, raw food versions. But you know what, Once I got off all that processed JUNK, my body changed. My cravings were gone. A little bit of the "natural" raw food versions I made at home totally satiated me. No more overdoing it. My moods stabilized and I lost weight, but that didn't last long because I got pregnant! Which was a happy surprise since my husband and I tried for years with no success. I think all the methods you shared here would work for specific cravings. But how many of us would benefit from being OFF the crazy processed foods to find out what's left of our cravings after all the hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, chemicals, and hydrogenated non-sense is gone.

No more rambling. Thanks for the information and for being a bold leader in the health community. You are appreciated!

Hello KKalmes - Keep up the positive words, thoughts and actions. Always remember your friend is not a statistic. Debby

Yer Huesing ~ A majority of healing can be changed via lifestyle improvement. Once you are on the road to recovery and continue to see improvement many wonderful things will happen in your life.

Debby, thank you for the kind words in my fan mail and we are oraying for Kevin's relief and eventual recovery... this is the time when belief in miracles is a tremendous support.

Hello KKalmes - I pray your sister's friend will get through treatments and onto the side of health and well-being. Homeopathy has helped me through many challenges. Having an advocate by your side makes all the difference in the world. Once again, thank you for visiting my Hubpages! Love, Debby

KKalmes 7 years ago from Chicago, Illinois

Thank you Debby, my sister has recently moved to Boston to help a friend suffering both the illness and treatment for cancer. She is very on board with homeopathic remedies for some of the side-effects of treatment and works with a well balanced diet to clean out toxins. He is doing much better since she showed up with her healthy diet books under one arm and her bright smile and confidence.

Dear Kevin - Thanks so very much for glowing comments. Yes, it is chock full - I wish it was chocolate. I hope it helps you with your goals.

kevin Taylor 7 years ago

This is a awesome hub chalk full of great information. Thanks much for all the hard work and research behind this HUB!!

AuthorDebby Bruck 7 years ago

Well said, Adorababy (cute photo) ~ Classical Homeopathy takes into account the totality of the individual and the homeopath discerns the 'central disturbance' or disorder of the vital force that animates the living being. Sometimes we can find the etiology from a point in history like a fright, injury, argument, disease onset, etc.

adorababy 7 years ago from Syracuse, NY

Homeopathy, classically applied, is not about remedies for any particular ailment, it's about treating the central disturbance of the patient, not the outward manifestation of a disease. These trials will never validate homeopathy.

Hello lefseriver ~ Anything I can do to inspire people to live a more wholesome healthier and happier life means I'm fulfilling my mission on earth.

David Walli 8 years ago from Northern Minnesota

Thanks for the encouragement to eat well and be healthy.

Hi Sam ~ What you are learning is that many of the remedies have overlapping symptoms. That is why it is best to find an expert homeopath to hear out your life story and current situation. It is important to note the major symptoms that effect your life and what is of most concern, plus clinical issues, life issues, including accidents and surgeries. Is it possible something in the childhood set off a pattern that has carried throughout the lifetime, Was their an illness from which you never fully recovered, There are so many effects to the spirit and the body and to the family that could effect the unborn child or during delivery. Is this a missing nutrient, an allergy, or a grief, There could be a few layers to uncover during this process, especially if someone has been taking numerous medications or stimulants.

Sam 8 years ago

Hi Debby,

Thanks for such a great article.

I too fit into a number of types.

Antimonium crudum - esp the sour vinegary foods

Calcarea carbonica - esp the sweaty head at night

Capsicum - this is probably the type I most fit

Nux vomica - esp the cramps and spasms

How should I approach this, Also what dosage should be taken, I am a 6ft 6, 16st man.


Rob - @formerfatguy 8 years ago

Hi Debby. Rob Cooper here. I'm quite clear about the chinese approach using herbs and the homeopathic approach that does not use herbs. Not mixing anything up at all. Not sure where you got the idea that I might be confused on the subject. I rarely ever talk about homeopathy. I understand it, would recommend it to anyone for anything, but dont talk about it.

I have a writer who is a homeopath, who used to write about it for one of my websites. That's about it.

Hi Alexandria - Glad I could help.

alexandriaruthk 8 years ago from US

now I know more about homeopathy! Thank you,

Congratulations on your win.

Thanks for stopping by with your recommendation:) I appreciate that.

Actually, though I don't care for salty food. I never have trouble not eating salty stuff.

Sandy Mertens 8 years ago from Wisconsin, USA

This has opened my eyes more. Thanks.

Hello Money Glitch ~ That's the whole idea of "Waves of Awareness" ~ spreading the knowledge of gentle, effective, individualized medicine called Homeopathy. Thanks so much for your comments!

Money Glitch 8 years ago from Texas

Great hub Debby! I'm not that familiar with homeopathy, I'm more of an herb girl; however, I feel I learned more about homeopathy here on your hub. Congrats on your win and thanks for sharing! :)

Noel Peterson 8 years ago

Really happy to read alternative methods to weight loss than just regular exercise and diet changes. It's new to hear about homeopathy for weight loss. Thanks for posting!

Hello, hello, 8 years ago from London, UK

Very, very interesting and I learned a lot from it. Thank you.

AuthorDebby Bruck 8 years ago

Hi Lizzie ~ need complete work up on all fronts. But, we get many clues from the fact that you like salty food and cheese and sweets. I could give a guess LOL

Lizzie 8 years ago

I'm not sure which one I'd pick. I think I'd fit in a few of the categories.

When I'm really hungry I crave cheese! Is that weird, I also really like sweets and can always pass up chips or salty snacks.

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