
Exercises For Weight Loss

4 Feb 2017

Simple Tips And Exercise Plans To Lose Weight

exercise to burn belly fat
There are several ways to lose weight fast and melt away your fat instantly. However, most of them leave you unsatisfied as one realizes that shortcuts to lose weight are not sustainable in the long run. Weight loss is a combination of a well-formulated diet plan and a rigorous exercise regime. If you are wondering how to lose weight here are a few simple tips for weight loss and exercise plans to lose weight and reduce those inches -

1. Train your mind.

Weight loss is about a good diet, rigorous exercise regime but most importantly about mental conviction. Before starting out on a weight loss journey, mentally make a note of why you are taking this step and keep this reason to keep you going and prevent you from catering to those cravings by binge eating.

2. Avoid food with high sugar content.

Insulin is the fat storage hormone in our bodies and sugary foods like desserts release insulin. This instantly raises our blood sugar level in turn resulting in fat storage. Lowering insulin also works as a detox for the body allowing kidneys to expel any excess sodium or nitrates, which may cause bloating. It s important to completely cut out fizzy drinks which also cause gas.

3. Do not leave out a food group.

Every year the weight loss industry makes one or the other food group the worst for the body. It is best to have all fats, carbs and proteins as part of our diet. Food rich in protein has been shown to boost ones metabolism and also reduces cravings

4. Water is your savior.

Make sure to stay hydrated with water and other fluids throughout the day. One must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to prevent all that bloating. A glass of water with lemon in it is recommended right after you wake up.

5. Fiber is key to a healthy gut.

Food like vegetables are high in fiber, which prevent constipation and also helps one get a flat belly soon. It also helps in better digestion and improving your immune system in the long run.

6. Stay away from fad diets.

The market today is flooded with diets like the GM diet, Atkins, Keto diet which all have very serious consequences to out bodies in the long run. Anything that comes fast, goes fast so remember to be patient and eat everything but in moderation.

Diet Plan for weight loss:

Here is a standard diet you can use for weight loss, before following any diet please consult a nutritionist/ dietitian. Everyone's body is unique, a single diet cannot be utilized by everyone.

Breakfast: 3 egg whites OR Oatmeal with a fruit and cup of green tea.

Mid-morning snack: 150 gms of chicken cooked in vinegar and soy OR 1 steamed 6-inch corn tortilla with fresh or grilled vegetables (such as onions, green bell peppers, and tomatoes) and no-added-salt salsa.

Lunch: Grilled fish with vegetables OR 2 Cups Mixed Greens with 1 Cup of Other Veggies, Chopped, Dressed with Aged Balsamic Vinegar

Mid-afternoon snack: A salad of chickpeas OR a Banana and 1 Apple

Dinner: Protein shake with any protein (Tofu, chicken, fish etc) OR Salad with fresh ingredients

Exercise plan to lose weight

Need some weight loss exercise, Follow an exercise plan that allows you to try a new thing daily. Engage in high cardio like running, Zumba, skipping but also hit the gym to lose weight. It is important to maintain muscle mass and it burns fat even after the workout is over. A great way to burn a good 1000 calories is a quick HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training Workout) workout.

If you follow the points mentioned above you are bound to lose weight in a healthy manner! A diet along with some exercise always does the trick.

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