
Exercises For Weight Loss

11 Feb 2017

The Fat Burning Furnace Program Uses Proven Dieting Principles

4 minute exercise to lose weight
Rob Poulos designed fat burning furnace to be safe and effective for weight loss. With a unique blend of dieting and exercising tips, FBF claims that people who follow the program will lose a great deal of weight in a short time period. While fast weight loss may not be the safest solution, FBF does offer effective principles for weight loss. Poulos has even included a guide directed at people who are sedentary, so that the most unlikely exercisers will get up off the couch.

FBF concentrates on building a person’s resting metabolic rate. One of the best ways to build a higher resting metabolic rate is to build lean muscle tissue. For this purpose, Poulos recommends fifteen to twenty minutes of high-resistance interval training, two to three days per week. Poulos recommends lifting weights that are as heavy as the body can possibly handle. By bringing the body to the point that it cannot lift any more, the body breaks down a great deal of muscle tissue. Then, the body exerts energy repairing that muscle, over the seventy-two hours following the workout.

The body burns more calories with added muscle mass. According to experts, bodies burn about fifty additional calories each hour, for every additional pound of muscle mass. The fifty extra calories hourly becomes 1,200 calories daily, and 8,400 calories weekly. Building muscle facilitates weight loss, according to Poulos, by increasing the body’s rate of metabolism.

Nutritional advice is another element of FBF. Instead of depriving themselves, dieters should focus instead on eating the right kinds of carbs, fats, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Carbohydrate sources should be unrefined whole grains, and fat sources should include olive oil, flax oil and seeds, nut butters, fish, and avocados.

Poulos also has recommendations regarding other food groups. Poulos recommends consuming 0.04 grams of protein, for each pound of body weight. Also, for vegetables, Poulos recommends that dieters stick to broccoli, dark leafy greens, green beans, and asparagus. When eating fruit, dieters should stick to apples, berries, melons, and bananas.

Most experts recommend that dieters aim to lose one to two pounds each week. FBF claims to eliminate twenty-six pounds in seven weeks, which is a loss rate of almost four pounds per week. Losing weight so quickly may appeal to dieters, but most dieters who engage in rapid weight loss will gain the weight back quickly.

Fast weight loss may produce irritating and dangerous side effects. Irritability, headaches, menstrual irregularities, and fatigue are some minor side effects associated with too-quick weight loss. More severe side effects include dehydration, gallstones, electrolyte imbalances, and malnutrition. The longer a dieter stays on a rapid weight reduction plan, the more likely the dieter is to experience some of these side effects.

Before embracing all of the techniques in the fat burning furnace program, dieters should discuss the plan with their physician. Also, dieters should not neglect cardiovascular exercise, which benefits the body in many ways, in addition to promoting healthy weight. Poulos and his wife, however, lost forty pounds and sixty pounds respectively, by following the principles of FBF.

Have a quick look at our website for details about the benefits of using the fat burning furnace program at http://fatburningfurnacescam.net today.

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