
Exercises For Weight Loss

4 Feb 2017

Wii Aerobics Workout Vs Wii Strength Training

fat burning workout
There are those who would swear by Aerobics workout and will tell you that is all you need to do to keep fit and stay in shape, and still other who are at the other end of the spectrum, who will tell you that strength training is the most important exercise activity you could do, and so you have one group who concentrate on lifting weights and another only on cardio. Well who is right,

Before I answer this question its important to draw a distinction between aerobics workout or cardio and weight training or body building.

Aerobics, cardio workout.

The word aerobics literally mean "with air". It is the process of increasing the heart rate through continued and sustained activity, e.g. running for 30 minutes of biking for 45 minutes. The increased heart rate will mean that your body will require more oxygen in order to maintain the sustained activity. This increased oxygen will be accomplished by your bodies natural response to this sustained activity by employing hard, heavy and deep breathing, this in turn will suck more air or oxygen into the lungs and by extension throughout the body.

This elevated oxygen throughout the body will, over time mean that your body will develop the ability to burn fat more quickly and efficiently, strengthen muscle tissues and improve blood flow. The heart will in time become larger and more efficient at pumping blood around the body even when your body is in a relaxed state. Less heart beat by an efficient healthy heart means less ware and tare on our heart and the arteries.

The overall health benefits are too numerous to cover in this article but a few benefits are; Proper maintenance of blood pressure and the likelihood of high blood pressure of low blood pressure, proper and efficient burning of fat and the body's ability to maintain proper weight ratios. Stronger heart, lower bad cholesterol, increase the good cholesterol, proper hormone balance, proper brain function and mood control, effective conversion and breakdown of carbohydrates and simple sugar in the blood stream and regulation of insulin. This prevents the unset of type II diabetes. Aerobics activity increases energy levels and your overall metabolism.

I can go on and on with the benefits of consistent cardio or aerobic activities but time will not permit. SO I know what you might be thinking, aerobics exercise is the way to go right, It is far superior to weight training right,
Well not so fast. Let's look at the meaning of and the benefits of consistent weight training.

Weight Training
Weight training is the activity of lifting weights or using muscle resistance in a range of motion. Weight training involves increasing the weights incrementally over time in order to constantly challenge the muscles, which will result in muscle strengthening and growth. Weight training usually involves more weights resistance and less repetition, an example of weight training would be bench pressing 50lbs, three sets of 12-15 repetitions each.

Weight training is not always done to body building levels, were you get huge muscles and look like the terminator.

Many people will decrease the weights and increase the repetitions. So instead of 50lbs you would lift 25lbs and instead of 12-15 reps you would do 30-50 reps each set.

Weight training will build muscle mass and also strengthen muscles and tendons. The benefits from a good weight training routine are also many and can include; Muscles need a lot of energy to function so they naturally will burn more fat, this is great for losing and maintain proper weight ratios. Stronger muscles will inevitably lead to stronger bones; this intern will prevent osteoporosis and weakening of the bone as we get older. Stronger muscles will mean less back injury and joint pain and injury. Weight training also keeps the arteries and veins flexible supple and healthy. Stokes and heart attacks are significantly reduces when a consistent weight training routine is employed. You always feel your best when you look your best so the psychological benefits should not be ignored.
So I think you get the idea and the point I want to make in this article, they are both very important aspect of a well rounded exercise regiment.

Think of the benefits to be derived from combining a good aerobics routine with strength training workouts. That is why I always recommend having a comprehensive and well balanced workout pan that will include cardio and weights training.

For beginners you would want to start simple and small by working out 5 days a week, Mondays through Fridays using the weekend to rest and recuperate. When you are just starting out, use Mondays and Tuesdays for your weight training and Wednesday through Friday for your cardio or aerobics workout. The following week reverse the order by doing your aerobics exercise on Monday and Tuesday and your weight training on Wednesday through Friday. Continue this routine for a month

Then start doing 30 min of aerobics and the 30 min of weight training Mondays through Fridays. Continue this for another month and then increase your cardio to 45min and your weight training to 35 min, five days a week for another month. On the 4th month you should start doing 45min of weight training and 35 min of aerobics.

On the fifth month start over the routine as described above. Doing these variables workout routines will constantly challenge your body to get leaner, stronger and fitter and will bring you to your goal that much faster.

If this sounds all confusing and hard to follow the Nintendo Wii Fitness Games offers a perfect solution and a great balance between aerobics workout and strength training. The game is smart enough to make a workout schedule for your based on your starting fitness level that will get more advance as your fitness improves. No need to try to figure out what to do when and how much reps to do, your personal fitness coach will give you the instructions and guidance you need to succeed.

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