
Exercises For Weight Loss

3 Mar 2018

Fat Burning Turbulence Training Workout: 8/19/12

home exercise to lose weight
I spent countless hours in the library researching exercise physiology studies, traveling to research conferences and University Labs from Waco , Texas to Nottingham , England , and monitoring my own workouts and the workouts of the men and women that I trained in the gym.
I uncovered research studies that showed how intervals were superior to slow cardio for fat loss, and how heavier resistance training (i.e. 8 reps per set) was far more effective at burning calories than the traditional "high-reps to get cut" approach.
Out of the huge stack of research papers that I had analyzed, I accidentally stumbled onto two studies that proved my theories beyond a shadow of a doubt, and completely transformed my thinking about fat loss training. This created the foundation for Turbulence Training and has now changed the course of fat loss training forever.
In one of the landmark studies, researchers at Laval University in Quebec compared slow, steady aerobic training with interval training in a fat loss study. The researchers were shocked to find that the interval training group lost more fat than the cardio group, even though almost every fat loss program in the world today recommends long cardio workouts as the exclusive fat burning method.
In the second landmark study that helped create the Turbulence Training method, researchers found that performing 8 repetitions per set of an exercise helped women burn more calories after exercise in comparison to using 12 repetitions per exercise.
(NOTE): Not only did the results of this study destroy the high-reps, low-weight myth, it also proved that the Turbulence Training principles are as effective in women as they are in men.
Here Are The Scientific Facts About Fat Loss In 2006
SCIENCE FACT: The fat-loss programs you read about in muscle mags from the 80's and 90's are based on out-of-date exercise science and nutrition information.
SCIENCE FACT: Exercise science has advanced by leaps and bounds just in the last two decades. The latest fat loss research, which Turbulence Training is based on, allows you to lose more fat while keeping your hard-earned muscle, and doing so with less time working out than ever before.
SCIENCE FACT: Fat loss programs that require you to do endless hours of long, slow, boring cardio workouts will rarely help you achieve your fat loss goals and may lead to over use injuries.
SCIENCE FACT: You need to use more advanced, modern training methods, such as Turbulence Training Intervals, to help you burn more calories in and out of the gym. With Turbulence Training cardio, you will skyrocket your post-workout metabolism allowing you to burn almost twice as many calories as you would with traditional cardio workouts.
SCIENCE FACT: Traditional fat burning programs typically don't even mention strength training in their instructions, because most trainers and clients don't understand how resistance training will help fat loss. Even if your fat loss program does recommend strength training, it's likely that you've been told to use the ineffective and outdated method of high reps and low weight (which does NOT burn fat!).
SCIENCE FACT: If you want to maximize your metabolism, and get defined arms, abs, and legs, then you must include strength training in your fat loss workout. High intensity strength training with the Turbulence Training system helps protect your lean muscle mass, which you are almost certain to lose on traditional diet and exercise programs
These are the facts. The research simply does not lie. The way you are currently training is probably not only getting you less than satisfactory results, but may actually be causing overuse injuries, or even catabolic muscle loss.

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