
Exercises For Weight Loss

3 Mar 2018

How To Work Out To Lose Weight

home exercise to lose weight
Diet text-decoration:line-through" oncontextmenu="return showBrokenLink(32274153, false);" onclick="return showBrokenLink(32274153, false)">write down your minutes in a little book. There are also several places online that help you to track your exercise minutes, including SparkPeople, MyFitnessPal, and DailyMile.

If you are very tech savvy, you can also use a fitness phone app to keep track of those minutes! I have not started using these yet, but they are very accurate in keeping track of your minutes.

4. Do What You Can
What kind of exercise should you do, Do what you can. You do need to do some cardio exercise, in order to get your heart rate elevated. but do whatever you can.

I know that when you have gained a lot of weight, it is very difficult to want to exercise, because it can be really embarrassing to try to sweat and move, when your body is big. I understand that completely, but it so worth it, when you start feeling more like a jock!

But just start by doing what you can. If you can only walk around the block, do that. If you have to simply move in your chair because you can't get up, then do that. Start with something, and you will keep getting stronger, as long as you keep doing something, and don't give up!

I highly recommend walking for weight loss because it is so easy that anyone can do it and the fresh air can be very invigorating. Walking is a low pressure exercise and it is an awesome place to start. However, choose an exercise that works for you, and that you enjoy. You may wish to have several choices that you do at different times, so you don't get bored.

5. Add Strength Exercises
The last piece of advice is to add in some strength training to your workout. I say this last, because I think it is important to develop a routine first, and get yourself used to exercising before adding in one more thing.

But once you are in routine, and on track, it is a very good idea to add in some strength training of some kind. Strength training can take the form of weightlifting, circuit training or even simple isometric exercises that you can do at home. The advantage of doing this is that it increases your metabolism, or the rate at which your body burns calories.

Just Don't Give Up
The most important advice I can give is, don't give up! Even if you get off track, just start again and keep going. It's never too late to workout to lose weight and you will always feel better in the end.

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sendingAuthorSharilee Swaity 3 years ago from Canada

@snerfu, you make an excellent point! But unfortunately, just reading is not enough, ha ha! Yes, not giving up is the key for anything, I am realizing. Even if you haven't done something for a while, you can start over again. Thanks so much for the comment and take care!

Vivian Sudhir 3 years ago from Madurai, India

Hello Carol, The best thing about reading articles about exercising is that you are energized immediately. Good article, especially the ending about not giving up.

Carol, you are so right. The hardest part is to stick to it. Good for you, for being so disciplined. Have a great night!

carol stanley 5 years ago from Arizona

These ideas are all great and helpful to staying in good shape and losing weight. Unfortunately most people start out with great enthusiasm and give up. You know all the gym memberships on January 1...But it is a commitment that I made to myself years ago..and it works.

Sandy, that sounds like an excellent routine! I think walking in the morning is the very best, too, although I can't seem to get myself up that early. Thanks for coming by and for commenting.

@newusedcar, thank you so much for your comment. Have a wonderful evening.

Audrey, that's awesome that it is such a regular part of your life, even after 12-16 hour days. That's your secret! I would like to get into more swimming, too. It is so invigorating! Thanks so much for the comment. Have a wonderful day.

@Healthylife, great music is definitely a plus, too! And that's great that you now stand confidently beside all the jocks at the gym. I find that I feel proud of myself when I work out, even if I'm not as far along as others, I am still moving, and that feels so good.

Thanks so much for the comment!

newusedcarssacram 5 years ago from Sacramento, CA, U.S.A

Regular exercise and healthy diet can control gaining weight. I find very useful points in your hub. thanks!

Audrey Kirchner 5 years ago from Washington

Sharilee--I love the way you laid it out in steps...that is the whole thing of it--in for a penny, literally in for a pound--or 5 or 6!!! It is so hard just to get motivated but once you do and you see the results---bam. I do my swim thing every summer (we only have an outdoor pool here in the crazy town I live in) for 3 months and that keeps me going for the summer...then I jump to running the dogs on scooters and an exercise program for old ladies~~~

If you build in exercise as part of your daily "bread"/routine, it makes it easier to continue it. Once you crash and burn, it's that much harder to jump back on and start all over.

You make all the great points--weight loss without exercise in my humble opinion is just fluff - Virginia definitely hits it on the head there. A great diet is fabulous but you have to exercise--especially the older we get--to keep it off and FEEL GOOD. That's the part I love the most. I can be dog tired but if I exercise, I feel alive again. That's a good thing considering I put in about 12-16 hour days~

Healthy Life 5 years ago from Connecticut, USA

Great pointers! I remember when I first went to the gym how intimidated I was. Now I feel totally confident standing in the weight lifting area next to some huge guys on steroids . Another requirement I would add is great music!

Virginia, good for you, for losing and keeping it off. That is excellent. And I know what you mean about being more capable of doing more when you lose. I found that, too. I still have a ways to go on my weight loss, and have to get going full force again at it. Thank you so much for the kind comment, votes and shares! Have an excellent day.

Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States

Great job in getting some really practical advice put together. Congratulations on your own 30 lbs lost too! I've lost 20 lbs over the last year and exercise is really a key. What is so encouraging is that as I have kept on exercising and losing weight I'm now able to exercise more. I'm now able to do some machines at the gym I thought I'd never be able to do. You are so right that a person just has to get started and not worry about what you can't do, but just do what you can! voted up and pinned.

@Seeker, I am so glad that it resonated with you! It is hard to know where to start, but starting somewhere always helps us and we start to feel better. Thanks for the comment and the shares! Have a good night.

@MM, thank you so much for your words! Have a good night.

@Kelley, to me, it is the only way to get real results. Thanks for the comment!

@Rc, I hear you! That really is the hardest part of changing our habits. I struggle with this, too. Thanks for the comment!

@Audrey, that's interesting! Well, it's better to do at least one. Maybe the exercise feels more exciting, whereas the food tracking seems a bit restrictive! I know it is a wonderful feeling when you have worked out, and you can track it, and know that you accomplished something that day for your body.

Thanks so much for your comment and support!

@Kashmir, thank you so much! I appreciate your support and I hope it does help other people working to lose weight. Have a good week!

@Barbie, slow is good, in this case. It is taking me a long time, too. You give very good advice about making it a non-negotiable appointment. Excellent advice!

Helen Murphy Howell 5 years ago from Fife, Scotland

Well, I knew you were an excellent writer and this hub has just proven it once again. You were right as well in what you said about us taking so long to decide what exercises and when. With me I do this for so long that I finally get bored with the idea and move on. But following your hub's advice has inspired me once again.

The information, layout and presentation here are excellent! Voted up + shared.

Rich 5 years ago from Kentucky

You said it all in the first paragraph, yet, it is probably the hardest of all to do..."start doing it." I can't tell you the number of times I've told myself that I need to, but starting is constantly procrastinated as excuse after excuse finds it's way to the forefront. Great advice and methodology!

kelleyward 5 years ago

Fantastic advice. I like the idea of tracking your own workout plan and food intake. I find that to be very effective. Voted up! Kelley

Movie Master 5 years ago from United Kingdom

This is an excellent article, well written and easy to understand - inspiring too!

Thank you and voted up!

Audrey Howitt 5 years ago from California

I find that I love tracking my exercise and hate tracking my food! So what does that say about me---yikes! Great hub!!

Thomas Silvia 5 years ago from Massachusetts

Hi my friend great well written hub with all good information and advice within it to help anyone lose some weight .

Well done and vote up and more !!!

Stacy Harris 5 years ago from Hemet, Ca

Great hub and great tips. I know I have been on a journey to lose weight for a long time. It has come off very slow but I guess that means it is more likely to stay off. The best advise I have is set up your workout like it is a non-negotiable appointment. If you just wait for when you can squeeze it in, you are more likely to skip your workout.

Julie, thank you for your comment Have a wonderful day.

Blurter of Indiscretions 5 years ago from Clinton CT

Lots of great suggestions- and I too love the dividers. Nice job here :)

AuthorSharilee Swaity 5 years ago from Canada

Billy, thank you for your comment! I am glad to give out some advice and I hope you are right about the search engines. Have a wonderful day.

Bill Holland 5 years ago from Olympia, WA

I love the scale dividers between sections.

Great suggestions Sharilee! This is one of those articles that should do well on the search engines, and I hope it does. It is concise and easy to understand. Nice job!

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