
Exercises For Weight Loss

3 Mar 2018

Need An Exercise Buddy,

home exercise to lose weight
Do you feel the stress or the depression of having to lose a lot of weight slowly creeping up your nerves, Well then … it’s your body saying you need to go have a workout and get some sweat on your t-shirt!

I know sometimes you feel reluctant to leave the comfort of your home for many reasons. For some people, it is their domain and for others their command center! While the TV room, the computer that goes online and the video games can keep you entertained, it can also be as if you are under house arrest for such a long time, the word “exercise” becomes a distant memory in your vocabulary.

But, somewhere in your mind, in a silent corner of your brain, you can sometimes hear a faint voice crying … “You need to get some exercise ..” This may happen several times before you really feel the urge to go work out! But, as soon as the thought appears, I hear you say, “If only I had a friend to exercise with me, I would definitely go out …” Don’t worry, I am not eavesdropping on your complaints or reading your mind! I know that because it was my excuse, and that of many others, to continue to hide behind the walls and hope all these pounds will melt away without a bead of sweat!

Eliminate the excuse - “If I only had a friend, an exercise buddy, it would not be so boring!”
I know a friend to go out jogging would be a great proposition! But not all of our friends have the time for a walk.So what do we do, Do we continue the same way for the rest of our life,No, of course not!

I thought I wanted to get out and change my life, the way I looked and the way I felt about myself. I knew that unless I was willing to try new experiences and commit myself to exercise, I would always feel as if I was failing and not living up to my potential. The determination and the urge to become successful made me innovative.

I found a friend who, although he could not talk, was every bit a companion and just as real as a person! If the absence of an exercise buddy is the only thing stopping you, then it’s time to stop the excuses and look around your house. Maybe you forgot the fact that you have always had a dear friend around you, who needs some real exercise as much as you do! By now, you must know whom I am talking about! Yes, of course, it is your pet!

For me, pets have been always been fascinating! As an animal lover, I admire and adore them.They will never say no to you and they will never back away. They are lively, energetic and ever ready! Well, the thought of your pet being an exercise buddy may be amusing to you, but try taking a walk with your pet and see your spirits rise!

Don’t be afraid to go out and feel that winter chill or the mid summer sun on your face! In taking these little steps and implementing these new innovations, you are going to change that bit of laziness within us to a person of action!

Exercise, pet and innovative, I know what you are thinking! I hear you say “Are you crazy, I Know. I am with you mate!

Why do I stress exercise so much, Well, if you are to lose weight, exercise plays a great part in that goal and could be the major deciding factor in your journey to success! There are countless reasons why exercise is good; here are some you will want to explore a little further.

Stress - it will fly out the window!

Depression - well,it too will exit out another window!

Active - you will feel a spring in your feet.

Composed - you will feel your mind thinking clearly and making decisions will become easier and more concise.

Concentration - you will become an expert at this!
Healthier heart - you will have given your heart a new lease on life!

Stronger bones - they, too, will enjoy the benefits of exercise!

Toned muscles - well, do i need to elaborate more,
A Healthier, whole new you - I think you get the picture!

Here are some things that you can do with your pet. Remember, it is not only healthier for you but healthier for your pet to get some exercise!

Suggestions for fun time with your pet-

*Throw a frisby and feel the movement in your arms and biceps; you are nearer to seeing them toned!

*Run a 100 meter sprint … on your mark, set, go!

*Throw a ball and see who fetches it first!

*While you are getting to be good sprinter, challenge yourself to 200 meters and see who pants more!

*When you stop feeling your heart pumping at 200 meters, increase your distance.

*Gradually test your endurance, and your pets, and see who is stronger!”

*Want to try a tug of war, Well, that is a real challenge!

*Get on your bike and see if you can paddle faster than your pet..

The options are endless and i know you have a very creative mind.Know each time you go out and get some activity, you are one step closer to achieving your dreams, one step closer to
your goals!

Throughout the competition with your pet, make sure you both stay hydrated. It is essential your fluid levels are replenished and remain at a healthy level! As the exercise routines and fun continue with your inseparable companion, you will feel exercise much more rewarding. Your pet will smile too and you will be happier and more inspired each time you head out the door.

While your self esteem climbs up the ladder, your TV room and the comfy sofa will seem like the arch villains! You will want to spend more and more time with your lively companion! The park or the side-walk will seem like a safe haven and “the place” to be! You will often admire your courage and your determination! You will learn to look forward to exercise.When ever you wear your workout out fit you will feel empowered!

Soon you will start to love exercising and it will not feel like a chore anymore! Look yourself in the mirror and you will start smiling and see those pounds disappear! When you take your pet out the next time you will hear yourself saying, “Aren’t we an awesome exercise duo!”

Click here for more uplifting motivation and life changing weightloss tips!

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